Hey, you there, fellow blogger.  Don’t you ever get in those moods when you want to blog, but actually getting down to business seems to be this impossible dream?  Like I’ll be driving down the road, in my car, cause that’s what I drive, and get this premise for a superb blog post and by the time I get home, all I remember is that I’m seriously craving a ham sandwich with potato chips on it. Nay nay friend, not WITH it, but IN it.  I want one now.

Anyway, I’m going to get to the great Convenience Store Incident, I promise, but in the meantime, here’s some good ole fashioned mindless bullshit.

I finally got on my Wii fit. Dude, hula hooping kicked my ass.  I got the Wii fit for xmas.  I tried it a few days after xmas and only got as far as the body basics part. Gave me my BMI (holy fuck, is that number legal?), and I did 2 minutes of deep breathing excercises. Whew, I was winded after that.  Have I mentioned I’m a big fat lazy ass.  Anyway, Yesterday I decided to get going again since so many of my forum friends seem to rave about it.  I put in 15 minutes. 15 minutes more than I’ve done in ages.  It was actually fun.

The trouble started when Man wanted to “see this thing” last night.  He specifically wanted to see the “Hula Hooping” in action since people he worked with were also raving.  Well, I of course had to go the distance. I nearly hooped myself into a seizure.  I hurt so bad today. It’s still fun as hell.

I’ve made great strides in cleaning my office/craft room. I have a super space and just need to finish organizing the smaller stuff.  Unfortunately it’s cold as shit down there because it’s unheated still and it’s a basement.  I did get one of the DeLonghi oil filled electric heaters.  Actually I have three.  The first one impressed me so much I bought two more.  Unfortunately that heater is no match for the icy cold basement.  It’s not the heaters fault. It’s doing a pretty good job considering.

My latest electronic gadget causing me lust is my new photo printer. Which thanks to my cleaning craze I now have room for this thing. It takes up more space than a frickin sofa.  To be fair, it’s a large format printer. Which means I can print on sheets up to 13 X 19. Yeah, holy crap that’s big.  I of course researched until I was blue;  finally choosing the Epson R-1400.  It’s ok, I’ll wait while you check it out on Amazon.com.  Initially I printed some really crappy pics and I panicked. Then I switched it from text printing to phto printing. Yeah, genius here.   I also learned the importance of image quality setting on the camera.  Once I worked out all the kinks, none of which related to the printer, I printed a very good photo.  Just what I wanted. At home convenience, photo shop quality.

Soon I’ll be loading video editing software and can finally upload all the footage from the camcorder. I bought it some time ago, and have yet to upload anything. It’s filling up too. The software box is closer to the computer, so soon, very soon, it might just be in the computer.  I’ll give my impression of it after I actually use it.

Otherwise I’m still diggin the camcorder. I posted about it before and if I weren’t tired, I’d be more than happy to find it for you, but no.  Just search this blog for Canon.

I don’t think I discussed the mouth guard I got from the Dentist. I think I was too horrified from the procedures that I forgot the innocent little mouth guard. It’s designed to drastically reduce the amount of jaw clenching while sleeping.  it sits on the front four bottom teeth. That’s it. Tiny.  Today, however, I’ve noticed I have this lima bean sized (one of my favorite vegetables), lump right in the joint between the top jaw and lower jaw. That part right in front of your ear where they two “scissor”.  And it hurts. Just that small spot but still.  So tonight I’m ditching the mouth guard and we’ll see what happens tonight.

Right now I’m watching that episode of Biggest Loser where Bob freaks and throws the F-bomb… a lot.  Hilarious